Leather Jacket | Jeans | Black Booties | Lipstick | Pink Beret | Sweater (last season, similar styles here and here)
Hello loves,
The weather really cooled down last week in Calgary so I had to bundle up quite a bit. I wore this outfit on a pretty chilly day but I was cozy in my pink beret and sweater. They say that pink is the colour this Fall. It’s like the new black which is perfect for me because three-quarters of my wardrobe is pink. I paired this look with an edgier leather jacket to add a new spin to a feminine look. I absolutely loved this jacket from the moment I laid eyes on it! It is the perfect combination of femme and fab and the detailing is perfection.
All these photos were taken my amazing friend Dana Gerlitz. Check out her Instagram!
I hope you all enjoy the nice weather coming our way this week before the snow hits.
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