I hope everyone has a lovely holiday break. One of my favourite things to do, when I’m off during the holidays, is bake with my Momma. This recipe is so simple and easy and everyone loves them. I hope this helps with your holiday baking!
Time: 30 mins Difficulty Level: Easy
1 cup butter (melted)
1 3/4 cup flour
1/2 cup icing sugar
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients together. Roll into small balls and bake in mini muffin pans for 8 minutes. Remove from oven (they still look uncooked, buttery, and maybe slightly browned on the edges) and press in centers. Make cups deep enough to fit lots of toffee filling.
Toffee Centers:
3 Macintosh toffee bars (you can use individually wrapped ones as well)
1/2 cup whipping cream
In a double boiler melt whipping cream and toffee together.
Fill the cups with the toffee filling while still in the muffin pans. Put them in the freezer for five minutes to let toffee harden a bit and then remove them from the pans using a knife. Store in the freezer with wax paper between layers.
Click on this link to print a pdf of the recipe!
Happy Holidays everyone!